Thursday, June 25, 2009
Wordless Thursday
I took this photo this week. One morning, I woke up and found this thing in front of our door again. I was fascinated with it and of course I was quick to grab my camera. I made Nathaniel look at it too. He loves it. He thinks it's cool. We made it as his pet but it run away after 2 days. It broke his heart but oh well, we hope that it will visit us again.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Photo Shot of the Day!
I saw this beautiful bird while waiting to go somewhere with a friend. I was quick to get my camera to capture the bird from a distance using my telephoto lens. I wasn't satisfied with my recent shots, so I decided to get closer. It surprised me that the bird did not fly away. Instead, she kept on showing off for me by dancing and chirping. She was basically trying to get me away from the area. That's when I knew that she got some eggs or babies somewhere that she was protecting. While, I got busy taking some pictures of her, my eyes at the same time was scanning the area trying to find what I am expecting. And it sure is, I found three beautiful eggs. I was able to take a closer shot to it which really makes me happy. Oh! I bet she was so mad at me. She probably thought, I will mess with her babies. I just want a gorgeous picture. And I finally got the picture I wanted: Momma bird standing over her beautiful eggs. That day was awesome for me.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I was able to retrieve few entries I made by 2009 but the old ones I probably have lost it for good.
Taking it easy...
I could remember last year how I talked about changes. I sure did made some changes this year. I do miss doing the fun things I used to do last couple of years. I miss shopping, partying, I miss my friends and most of all doing my hobby which is photography. I don’t have much time anymore to stretch to do even a little bit of those. It was a complete turnaround. All I did this year was studying hard and working hard which includes sleepless nights and missing meals because I was always in a hurry. It was tiring but I considered it as my long term investment for the future not only for myself but for my family too. Sometimes when I have the time to sit down and think how long I need to do to keep doing this to get exactly what I wanted. The answer is unknown…only time will tell. It makes me tried to keep thinking how hard it is. So, instead I focused on what my accomplishments are and it made me feel good again and be inspired.
Right now, I was looking at my biology (my major) grades online. They did not give us the final grade yet but they posted already the scores, I’ve been making throughout my class activities and exam scores. It kind of gives u the preview already on how u did in the whole class. Well, I am really doing well. I was able to creep myself back up rapidly. Out of 5 exams, 3 of that I was the highest in our class and I scored well on my quizzes, home works and reports. I did not miss any of those activities. I am still worried though because I know that the result of my final will be pulled down a little bit because of my low scores during midterm. I am already certain that I pass the class but it feels like it is not enough because I am aiming to stay on the top which is so hard to do. The rest of my class I am really doing good except my math- that is probably my lowest grade on everything. But I think I made it through also. Overall, I prioritize my major class because I don’t want to have a low grade on it. It matters when I get into the program.
Presently, I am taking things easy by getting a lot of sleep and spending more time with my family as much as I can. I know that by august I will be back to my crazy day routine. I just have to toughen myself out until I get out of medical school.
(Originally written: May 24th, 2009)
Types of Memory
Here are examples of the type of memory, I’ve learned on my psychology. I’ve made samples based on my life’s experiences with my explanation as well, so you will be able to differentiate between them easy.
Semantic Memory- consists of your general knowledge about the world.
I know what a Rat Terrier is. It’s a type of dog, poodles and beagles are other kinds of dogs. And I know that they can be trained, but nevertheless no matter how cute they are, they tend to poop in inconvenient places and shed hairs all over places.
This knowledge that I have illustrates an example of a semantic memory because I don’t remember where I learned that, but I know it anyway. According to Endel Tulving, who first came up with the distinction, that defining a feature of semantic memory- is something you know, even though you can’t remember where or when you learned it.
Episodic Memory- refers to a memory of specific episodes in one’s life and is what most people think of as memory. This type of memory are connected with a specific time and place.
I remember that it was my 23rd birthday in the year 2003 when I first got my driver’s license.
This illustrates as an episodic memory because I could not forget when I got my driver’s license for the first time because it was my birthday. Growing up from other country, everything was new to me. When I got here in United States I’m pretty much learning the new way of life and that includes driving. Boy, I was so happy to get a license to regain my freedom. Back home, we don’t have to drive to get places I wanna go. But when I got here, there is no way I will reach to my destination in a day if I will just walk.
Procedural Memory- refers to the skills that human possess. Is often contrasted with episodic and semantic memory.
I remember when I bought a CD for workouts and just by reading the instruction written on the manual. I could almost picture it on my mind what are the steps to do because I’ve tried different types of workout before and I definitely know the basics without watching any video.
This illustrates as a procedural memory because I have linked my memory to some of the things that can be considered as episodic. In a way, that I’ve been through some workouts before and already know the basic steps. And semantic in a way that it was stored in my long term memory as general. I mean exercising have almost similar action depends on what type of workout you are doing that suits you well. So, oftentimes when I feel lazy and don’t wanna follow the video. I can just execute the actions myself and do my own thing knowing that I am doing the right thing because I pretty have much everything laid out on my mind.
Flashbulb Memories- are remarkably vivid and seemingly permanent memories. These memories are typically of highly emotional and personal event’s in one’s life.
I remember that day when I just came home from school. I was at our office and about to do some paperworks when I received a text from my family in the Philippines that my dad has been murdered.
I was shock and could not believe at first. I was crying horribly the moment I received the bad news. I never was able to do the paperworks I intend to do for that day and I was so glad that I did not receive that text while I’m at school or else I don’t know if I will be able to drive myself back.
This illustrates as a flashbulb memory because I never did forget that event because it has such an emotional impact on me and I’m pretty sure that it was stored in my long-term memory because until now I can still recall how I feel that day and where exactly I am and what I am doing. It was that intense feeling that I experienced at that moment that makes this memory be stored in a long-term process. I’ve learned too that most of the things that are stored in the long-term memory are the ones that are linked with emotions. It’s so true.
(originally written: May 24th, 2009)
The Hypocrisy of America’s View of Immigrants
This is one of my papers that made an A grade on my English class in making an argument based on the cartoon that I picked to deal with. I choosed about immigration since I am an immigrant in this country. I just think that it is more easy for me to form some ideas based on my personal points of view.
Here is the link of the cartoon that I was interpreting for my argument. It is a copyrighted photo. I won’t be able to copy it to my blog. So, I am attaching the link here to view in case you care to look at it, so you would get what I am talking about. Here it is:
America has always prided itself as being a refuge for poor people from around the world. From the very beginning, it has been a country made up entirely of immigrants-even the original people that the Europeans discovered in the New World had themselves migrated from Asia thousands of years before.
America have always been sensitive to the plight of people who live in countries where there is little chance of advancement, and has opened its arms to these less fortunate than themselves.
But, does America have it’s limits? Has the overwhelming rush of poor people who have bypassed all rules and laws illegally sneaked across the border in search of the American dream caused Americans to turn their backs on these people in need? Has the over-12 million illegal immigrants over stayed their welcome, becoming a drain on social services and causing Americans to lose their jobs, and causing the once-generous American public to harden it’s heart?
Having immigrated (legally) to America myself, I know completely how it feels to be very poor. Compared to where I am from (the Philippines), there is no such thing as a “poor American”. Imagine a life in which you do not have a car, or a washing machine or drier, no refrigerator, no indoor plumbing, and a public water system that turns your water on for two hours per day. There is no public assistance, no charity hospitals, no WIC programs, no food stamps. If you get sick and have no money, you either survive it , or you die- the hospital’s won’t let you in. If you are educated, you might get a job as a school teacher, making perhaps $300-per month! It is not unusual to see people working 12 to 16 hrs. per day for less than $150 per month. So , is it any wonder why people risk their lives to come to the Land of the Free?
Mr. Bennett has depicted his view of America’s changing viewpoint in his drawing of two would-be illegal immigrants, who represents the millions of people who have entered the United States illegally, with no regard to the laws of the United States, in an attempt to benefit from the riches they perceived to be found there.
Our subjects stand in the dessert, which is both figurative and actual; it represents the hardships the illegal aliens encounter on their journey to the America. Those hardships might be the actual desserts of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California where man of these illegal aliens have died a horrible, painful death from dehydration in the unforgiving dessert heat. It is also figurative of other illegal aliens who have risked their lives, as they crossed the Gulf of Mexico on homemade boats from Cuba, tramped through the snow across the Canadian border, or huddled in the bottoms of cargo ships from Asia.
There is a quarter-moon in the night sky, which does not give much light, but can still be used for navigation. This indicates that these people feel the need to travel under the cover of darkness to avoid being detected. This might also represent to those who use other forms of deceit, such as fake documents and passports.
They are carrying their belongings, of which all they have is two bags between them, a flashlight, and the clothes on their backs. These people are obviously poor, and if they owned any thing more than they are now carrying, they had to leave it behind. They are using the flashlight to read a sign that reads,” Land of the Free” and other sign below it that reads, ” No Trespassing”. It is assumed that this particular pair of illegal aliens can read English , and they are actually concerned that the Americans might not want them to enter America illegally. It is as if this couple might decided to not cross the border after all, now that they have read the sign that contemplating the apparent contradictory message of the two signs.
The immigrant laws, or, rather, the enforcement of these laws, in reality has been much more than fair for illegal aliens from Latin American countries. As a matter of fact, it borders on the insane. Having migrated from the Philippines myself, I would venture to say that America policy is usually much more hypocritical in the way it deals with LEGAL immigrants( although I have never experienced hypocrisy from any individual American concerning coming to this country, as the cartoon seems to imply).
The cartoonist, Mr. Clay Bennet, is wrong to imply that U.S sentiments are hypocritical concerning illegal immigrants. He has used his cartoon to falsely accuse the people of the United States of being hypocrites in proclaiming their country “The land of the Free” and then proclaiming “No Trespassing”. In reality, Americans are very kind and generous to all people, and have made their country made up entirely of immigrants-even the original people the Europeans “discovered” here, had themselves migrated from Asia thousand of years before.
America had to set limits on the numbers of immigrants, because even America, in all it’s greatness, can only support a finite number of people. America welcomes those who want to come here to make this a better country, and seeks to keep out to those who would do us harm. Illegal immigrants overload the system in America, and make it much harder for those who seek to come here legally. Clay Bennett apparently hates America, in that he uses lies and false pretense to try to make Americans look like heartless cads.
(originally written: May 24th, 2009)
Nature vs. Nurture
This was a true documentary story that has touched everyone’s heart that came across with it. I could relate this to what I have learned in my psychology course in regards with the nature vs. nurture. This issue was considered as the most enduring debate in the field of psychology. Based on my understanding, nature is defined as the existing system of things; the world of matter; or of matter and mind; the creation; the universe or we could say in general the regular course of things while nurture is something that shapes us who we are and what we are going to be in the future. It is what we are exposed to that changes us.
Here’s the summary of the story to gain the concept for the whole thing. This story is about two young chaps who out of compassion bought a lion cub on sale at Harrods, the London department store. They named him Christian and in their innocence tried to raise him in their London flat. Of course the lion grew somewhat and they eventually had to find him a proper home. His new home turned out to be in the African country of Kenya, where he was flown to from London, with his two adoptive parents in tow. The lads soon returned to London and left Christian there to be reintroduced into the wild.
Sometime later we find the young lad hankering after their lion. They are in fact sufficiently lonesome to actually go back to Kenya to see how Christian is doing. They are warned not to go because the lion has not been seen for months. The experts also predict that having been fully reintegrated into the wild, the lion may not recognize them. They went anyway.
On arrival they find that Christian was now the leader of a pride of wild lions, has appeared at their camp in Kora and is apparently waiting for them to arrive. The video ends with the lion loping purposefully out of the bush towards the two defenseless men. Wow, I thought that he is going to attack the two but instead Christian gets very excited and starts jumping all over this old buddies, licking and hugging them like any normal house pet would do.
Now, who would expect that he still remembers the people that raised him after that long period of time of their separation? Now, could we say that nurture plays an important role on how Christian turns out to be despite of his nature being a wild animal? Yes, Indeed! This story displays all kinds of concepts that we have touched in my psychology class such as memory and classical conditioning. In a way that Christian was able to register the two young lads into his long term memory and he was also conditioned to act like a loving person until time came that they have to let the nature take over for his own sake to what he is destined to be. Fortunately, Christian never departed to how he is nurtured.
In my own opinion, I would say that nurture rules better than nature. We saw the evidence in this story that nurture was able to override Christian’s side of being a wild animal. The same applies to human nature. It doesn’t matter what nature of genes and personality you have inherited from your ancestors. It is the nurturing in life that dictates who we are. It is what we are enlightened to that shapes us. Greatness is forged in a cauldron of specific temperatures and workable raw materials. All of these reagents need the proper environment and tempering to develop into something worth while. Thus, we are not much different in fact to many other forms of animal life; and it is because of subtle human conditioning, not the actual facts that we are raised to believe there is a wide gap between what is human and what is animal. This story reflects a lot of knowledge that I had learned from my psychology in the application of real life. And at the same time it was a great story of unconditional love.
(originally written: April 29th, 2009)
Today's Ramblings
It was my 1st day of school today since we got back from a week off of spring break. I decided to go home early and not spend time in the library till 9:00 p.m like I used to do after class. I just got excited after I got the result of my previous exam in psychology. I was worried that I won’t do good on it because I’m having a hard time studying all of my subjects at one time. I actually did have a good result better than before. I was relieved to know. So, I went ahead pamper myself by going home early to spend time with my son instead of reading all my freaking books.
In regards with my biology exam (my major class). I am confident and I expect to get a high grade on that because all that came out; I knew almost everything. I studied so hard until pages of my book are about to fall out. And even if I am in the bathroom I got my book with me. he he! That’s how serious I was. I am even dreaming that I am the highest one in our class. Now, was I too confident? he he! I don’t know! I just feel good about it. Even if, I won’t be the highest one, I am still sure that I got on the outstanding level. This class was the hardest so far among my subjects, only few students survived from it and I’m one of them that was able to kept going until the end of the semester. Everyone is complaining how tough it was and how they dislike our instructor. I am even convinced that I won’t like my instructor too because I felt being watched by her. She watches everything I do and noticed every mistakes I made and always gets on to me. I felt uncomfortable around her. I even suspected that she might be a racist and doesn’t like me because I am the only brown person in our class. Maybe that’s just my thinking. he he stress do that! But whatever the reason, either she likes or dislikes me. I could care less, as long as I made good grades on that subject. That’s all I care for. Really!
Now, when it comes down to my math subject..that’s the one I can’t brag about. I mean, I get high grades on my homework and quizzes that focuses few chapters at a time. But when it’s time for my exam and with different chapters mixed all together. I screw it up. I just can’t deny the fact that I am so dumb when it comes to it. I therefore, conclude that I should not mix it with my other subjects because it takes time for me to study and concentrate on this subject since, I am slow on it.
Anyway, I got 4 weeks left and within those weeks I sure am stress out again trying to prepare everything for my finals. Aside from that, I am getting ready to enroll myself for summer too. I’ll see if I could make it. I was thinking of taking a break but on the other hand I don’t want to waste time. *****Sigh***** I will make it through somehow.
(originally written: April 13th, 2009)
Well, that is me dissecting all kinds of animal parts. I am still on my preparatory towards nursing this semester. By next year I will be taking my anatomy and physiology which they said it’s more tougher. I was actually surprised that I am enjoying it as well as the laboratory part where we get our hands dirty and experiment all kinds of things. As far as my complaints how stressful it was trying to juggle everything. There is a good thing out of it. I learned a lot. We experiment internal organs of animals such as pigs and sheeps because some of the human parts functions just the same and I find it quite interesting. It’s very amazing how human body works and how it is able to take care of it’s own problems inside. It’s like a machine that is always busy doing their own thing to keep you going. And if it needs help your body will let you know.
Anyway, I told my husband that I really enjoy dissecting animals in our laboratory class. I always get excited. It doesn’t seem to gross me out. I mean I joked about it how nasty it is trying to tease someone just to gross them out; but personally it did not bother me a bit. Only sometimes, when I eat meat, it kind of reminds me by the smell of the medicine. I’ve been eating a lot of vegetables lately because I loose my appetite on anything that has something to do with meats. Anyhow, after I told my husband how I enjoy it. He got this look of being surprised and said REALLY? And told me: Well, u might gonna do good being a surgeon too. I was quick to reply “Yeah” and I really like the idea. I answered him, that it is not impossible. Once I become a nurse and if I decide to go farther. That’s probably the next thing I will consider doing. Right now, I don’t know. If God’s willing to let me continue do things I wanna do to help others and hope he will continue to bless me more to be able to share it with other people. Then, it is my pleasure to do so.
I am just thankful that everything seems to fall into the right place as what I have planned. And hope that I won’t encounter any hurdles to delay this tasks. With the moral support of my husband, mom, sister and most especially the Lord who is giving me strength in all of my undertakings. I know I will make it through the rain. My family has always been my inspiration in everything I do. And I thank God for everything.
(originally written: April 10th, 2009)
Spring Break
I wish spring break will never end. It was my wish to be as lazy as I can be for this week but guess what? It never happened. I tried to enjoy this week but with all the load of reports, assignments, and studying I gotta do for the finals; I still wasn’t able to take a break. I am looking forward to end this semester by the month of May. And I learned my lesson for this semester not take a bunch of units all at one time. I was struggling and it was more than I can handle. I was able to managed it though, despite of everything. So far, I am doing good with my studies and doing fine with my job also. It’s just that I need to change this routine by summer before I kill myself for not having enough sleep and always stressed out trying to get everything flowing in the right direction.
I planned to continue taking few of my minor subjects this summer and prepare myself again for my major next year. I’ll keep myself to a minimum level; slowly but surely is what I am going to try next time. Don’t ask me how did I handled it because I myself can’t imagine. It was tough. I would say that nursing is never easy; it was a mind-busting course. I always love biology since I was in my elementary but this time it’s just too much information needed to study. That’s what makes it hard and to sum it all up I mixed it with my psychology course. Psychology itself have a lot of information to study just like biology. I have a hard time comprehending to both especially if exams are due the same day. Studying both subjects at the same time makes me feel like my head is about to explode. I could tell that neurons in my head are going crazy. Sometimes when I get overwhelmed, it makes me wanna cry but no matter how hard it is; it’s still what I wanted to do. I just told myself never to get a full time class and working at the same time again. Now, that I know how it is. I probably won’t make an excellent grades but as far as I’m concerned, I’m doing okay. I have a bunch of classmates that withdraw in our class lately but I’m very thankful not to fall on the same level. I was just thinking that I did all the hard work already, why should I gave up? So, I kept going….
Anyway, I’m just blabbing around here in my blog since it’s been ages I haven’t wrote anything. Not much going on with me except very busy. I miss doing all the fun things I used to do last year. Looking back, I am glad to enjoy all I could at that moment because presently I have to figure out how to endure the hard part.
(originally written: April 8th, 2009)
Understanding Psychology
My professor in psychology had given us an assignment. He wanted us to write a paragraph on what we have learned about this course. While making it today, I was thinking of pasting it to my journal here since I’ve neglected this site already. It’s been a while since, I’ve posted anything here. I just got so busy in life lately that I don’t have time to update my online stuff often.
Anyway, straight to the point. Here’s what I have to say. I find psychology very interesting. It’s amazing how an individual can alter your state of mind and behavior by following the scientific study. Psychologists do it by observing and recording how people and other animals relate to one another and to the environment. They look for patterns that help them understand and predict behavior, and they use scientific method to test their ideas. Through many studies, psychologist have learned much that can help people fulfill their potential as human beings and increase understanding between individuals, groups, nations and cultures.
It is a broad field that explores varieties of questions about thoughts, feelings, and actions. Psychologist ask such questions as: “How do we see, hear, smell, taste and feel? What enables us to learn, think and remember , and why do we forget? What abilities are we born with, and which must we learn? How much does the mind affect the body and , how does the body affect the mind? For example: What can our dreams tells us about our needs, wishes and desires? Why do we like the people we like? Why are some people so negative when it comes to their thinking and others are positive no matter what situation they are in? Why other people easily get angered? What causes violence? What is mental illness and how it can be cured? “ I mean there are lots of why’s and how’s that we wanna know. Psychologists knows what factors contributes the effects of such things through research findings. Psychologists have greatly increased our understanding of why people behave as they do. Psychology is closely related to the natural science of biology. Like many biologist, psychologist study the abilities, needs and activities of human beings and other animals. But psychologist focus on the workings of the nervous system, especially the brain.
Now, pretty interesting to have some knowledge on this field. It makes me wanna be a psychologists too. I’ve never been good in reading other people but I am a little bit good in altering my own thoughts and emotions. And it does work. I always believe in the power of positive thinking. For example: If I am depressed, I’ll think and do things that inspires me to alter my emotions. Do you think that psychology is just for students, academics and therapists? Then, think again. Because psychology can be utilized in a number of ways. The results of these experiments and studies can have a good impact in the applications of your daily life. Examples of uses for psychology in your daily life are: get motivated, improve your leadership skills, become a better communicator, learn to better understand others, make more accurate decisions, improve your memory, make wiser final decisions, get better grades, become more productive, and be healthier. Psychology provides a framework for understanding human behavior, thoughts and development. By having, a broad base of understanding about the how’s and why’s of human behavior, we can better understand ourselves and others. And it makes life so much easier. By the way, I don’t agree everything that psychology has to say, depends on certain things. Nevertheless, it’s good because it gives us a complete different idea of the things we think we know best.
(originally written: February 5th, 2009)
Venting Out
This is going to be my 1st venting since the start of the year. Yesterday, we went shopping with some of my good friends and also meet some people that are also friends but are not that good. Why I say that they are not so good? It’s because those are the type of people that pulls u negatively. Anyway, while we are shopping we have some conversations too and they were asking me some questions. Most of our topics are about our future plans in life and what we’re going to be doing in the next day or so. I am the type of person that doesn’t run out of things to do in life; the easy way or hard way. I am not scared to try anything. I told them that I am going to school and be working at the same time. And I am planning to get some of my siblings again. And boy, there was this one person that is so opposed of what I am saying and even laughed at me. She even compared me to other people that are already successful. I am still on my way of doing it and comparing me to some other people that might be better than me would not make me feel anything less. I do things my own way and trying to imitate other people is not on my vocabulary. She probably doesn’t think that I would be able to do those. She doesn’t even believe me that I’ve been in school last few yrs. and she said some other things that insult me really well. But I was able to keep a good face with it and share some good laugh with the rest of them despite of the negative reactions I have received from them.
Oh well, it is really normal to encounter some people like that in our life every once in a while. I don’t have any hard feelings about it and I don’t have a plan to vow in the same level. All I can say, I feel sorry for the person who have an attitude like that. She isn’t going nowhere in life if she continues to be that way. Minding other people’s business is what she’s good at. I would not try to brag or anything but nobody is going to put me down. I have enough attitudes in believing myself and I am not giving anyone a permission to discourage me on anything that I want to do because other people just don’t think the way I do. As a matter of fact, I like people that challenge me. It gives me more energy to work hard to make it happen. Their negative energies will do something good for me and that is to prove them wrong. Alright, enough bitching now. he he!