It's hard to believe, that the end of 2009 is upon us. Every year and time seems to be the same but it always has something different to offer in our lives. I find the years seem to go faster. I was wondering maybe because I live my life to its fullest, full of hopes, and trials but I am learning a lot as I go along my way.
I would say that this year adversity has tested me on almost every aspect of my life. But the good thing is that I came out alright as I always do. I have learned to deal with it and won most of the battle with the guidance of my mom's prayer all the time. I've realized that being strong is never easy having to deal with myself and others. I know, I'd wrote some personal things on my blog, that's how I deal with myself being human who are pack with emotions. I find writing to be therapeutic especially when I'm going through tough times. It seems to help me get rid of all the bad thoughts and emotions that has been bugging me and helps me face each new day with positive attitude. It's what it takes for me to stay strong. I don't limit myself to anything including my weaknesses. So, for those people who sneaks here on my blog and make some gossips. I really don't give a darn, because it would not do me any harm. I considered my trials as a joyful challenged instead of a painful process.
Anyhow, things I want to do for this year has been done and I am close to finishing it. Other than that, I am still very thankful having my family over here. Even though we went through some tough times but we have work it out, especially with my sister. Adversity in life is testing her causing her to go astray in life a little bit. Call me a bad and controlling sister but I could not just close my eyes and let her keep going. I did some hurtful things and had said some things I should not say to make my point. We wind up hurting each other. It took her a while to get back on the right track but she finally did. I am now glad and proud of her. She got her own apartment and standing on her own. People who did her wrong are starting to suffer with their own actions. Goodness and hard prayers still prevails.
As to myself, I've learned to forgive and deal people with love and understanding. Even to those that hurt you. I've learned to apply the knowledge, I've learned on my psychology. If I probably don't have the background of understanding human behaviors, I probably will be making situations worse. Emotions are hard to battle if you don't have the wisdom. While I was going through with it, I have to suppress my own emotions just to give way for others. It's really hard! I throw a fret and cried a little bit but after that I was over with it. I guess, all these experiences had made me even stronger. I just hope next year, 2010 will treat me better. LOL! Actually, I'm seriously looking forward to the next chapter in my life and content in the knowledge that 2010 has new opportunities to offer that yet to be discovered.