Well, it seems like forever since I have visited this blog. I think this is my first blog for the year 2010. The start of this year has been good to me and my family so far. We have accomplished a lot, such as we finally got the justice for my dad. It was a tough battle for 5 years. We did not expect to have it but God is good. And another thing is that my sister passed her board exam for nursing. I was extremely happy about it because it was a first sister that I had given all my effort and did not make a detour. It felt like I have accomplished something for myself too because I did sacrificed a lot. I still have to figure out how to help her take the NCLEX so she could travel abroad. But at least the tough part was finished.
Now, I remembered to visit my blog because I am so confused and overwhelmed with what to do with all this things ahead of me. It's getting tougher each time and sometimes I kind of doubt myself because it was too much to handle. I already seek an opinion to my mom, sister, husband, best friend, but the decision is really up to me. So here I am brainstorming again. I am almost done with the things I need to get out of my way such as finishing my minors. This should be my last semester but I am still taking 13 units which is considered full time and at the same time got a job to maintain and family to take care of. Now, I am trying to get into the clinical part this summer which includes the training I need. It only comes once a year. I am already qualified but I have to take an entrance exam to get on it. If I have to take a chance, it is going to be this month of February and I really don't have the time to review because I am still studying for the stuff I have in front of me. Not to mention, I have exams every 2 weeks in all of my four subjects. Basically, I am confused of which, where, and what to start. The fearless side of me which is my Ego says, "Go for it!"... You can do it!... but the other side of my head which is my Super Ego says , "No, you’re not ready yet!"...you could end up delaying your goal if you fail the exam. I really don't know which one of them I will listen. As far as knowing myself, I am hard headed and liked to take a chance but on the other hand, I used wisdom a lot on certain things. We will see what blows my mind! .... To be continued some other day when I feel like writing :)