Thursday, March 24, 2011

my 1st video blog

Isn't it life is beautiful? Though we are face with challenge in everyday of our lives, I still wouldn't change my perception that life is beautiful in many ways. I normally express it through blogging. I find a lot of relief in writing especially if I am working toward a goal. Anyway, I probably was bored in writing. So, I came up with something different this time through video blogging. I was amazed when I first release it on face book.; many of my friends made a comment and said that it made them laugh. Well, I didn't know it will turn out to be funny but I sure was glad that I somehow entertained them. I'm looking forward in making some more soon while working towards my goal.

Below is my video:

Friday, March 18, 2011

Unreached Goal (journey of a nursing student)

Just found this video
while I was browsing around trying to find something else that uplifts my spirit. I so need it right now. This video perfectly speaks to me about timing. I’ve been through many trials and surpassed a lot of them. Now, I’m in the path again where I want something so bad and I want it certain time and been doing it my way. It’s really kind of aggravating to the point that it makes me want to pull all my hair when you don’t get the result you wanted. Sometimes things just don’t work the way you want it. You can think all kinds of negative things toward yourself due to your disappointments. But you really can’t linger on that for so long because I knew that success doesn’t lie in that point of view.

So, I will wait and keep working toward my unreached goal. Probably have to remind myself over again that God is in control, not me.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Types of Eukaryotes

Eukaryotes are organisms that have a membrane bound nucleus that houses DNA. As what I have learned, eukaryotes have many levels of cellular complexity compared to prokaryotes (bacteria). Aside from having a true nucleus they also exhibit compartmentalization that allows a cell to carry out specialized chemical reactions in different places. Organisms involved are: fungi, animals, plants, and protists. Below are my compilation of its type for the purpose of studying.

1.) Yeast- Heterotrophic, unicellular, have cell wall, oval in shape, reproduce asexually(budding), Class: Ascomycetes

2.) Rhizopus-Heterotrophic, multicellular, aseptate mycelium, sporangiospores, zygospores, Kingdom: Fungi

- are a filamentous fungus frequently isolated from soil, decaying fruit and vegetables, animal feces, and old bread. They are occasional causes of serious, and often fatal, infections in humans. Certain species are plant pathogens as well.

3. Penicillium- Heterotrophic, multicellular, septate mycelium, conidiospores, ascospores, Kingdom: Fungi

4. Aspergillus: Heterotrophic, multicellular, septate mycelium, conidiospores, ascospores, Kingdom: Fungi

4. Chlamydomonas: Autotrophic, unicellular algae, oval and flagellated, Phylum: AlgaeKingdom-Protista.

5. Amoeba: Heterotrophic, unicellular, possess pseudopods, free-living, Class Amoebezoa, Phylum: Protozoa, Kingdon: Protista.

6. Euglena: Autotrophic, unicellular, possess one anterior flagellum, free- living, Class- Euglenozoa, Phylum Protozoa, Kingdon- Protista.

7. Paramecium: Heterotrophic, unicellular, possess cilia all around, free-living, Class- Ciliophora, Phylum- Protozoa, Kingdon- Protista.

8. Trichomonas: Heterotrophic, unicellular, possess 2 flagella, parasitic, cause vaginitis, Class- Archaezoa, Phylum- Protozoa, Kingdon- Protista

9. Trypanosoma: Heterotrophic, unicellular, possess 1-flagellum, parasitic, sleeping sickness, Class- Euglenozoa, Phylum- Protozoa, Kingdon- Protista.

10. Plasmodium: Heterotrophic, unicellular, lack cell wall, non-motile, intracellular parasite (cause of malaria) complex life cycle(definitive host- mosquito- alternate host human), Phylum: Protozoa, Kingdom: Protista

11. Schistosoma: Heterotrophic, multicellular, lack cell wall, flatworm, Adult fluke (head with suckers), Class -Trematode, Phylum-Platyhelminthes, Kingdom- Animalia

12. Taenia: Heterotrophic, multicellular, lack cell wall, scolex (heads) & proglottis (segments) of tapeworm, Phylum-Platyhelminthes, Class- Cestode, Kingdom- Animalia

13. Trichinella: Heterotrophic, multicellular, lack cell wall, roundworm, encysted larvae in muscle tissue, Phylum: Nematoda, Kingdom- Animalia.