Aren't they cute? Alright! But they can be a pain in the butt too. Babysitting this two in the same house is a chaos. We consider it the toughest job of all. They are worse than a dog and a cat. If they are together, fighting never fails because whatever stuff the other one got, the other wants it too. They are both brave. Nobody owes anything and they both retaliate. They won't stop till they get even with each other. I was even thinking of getting them a pair of boxing gloves. Whoever watches this two will surely be stress out. I experienced it myself and it wasn't easy. I even decided, "That’s it"! No more kids for me. he he he!
My sister, mommy, and I had given up to put this two in the same place. We finally got them separated. If my sister is at work, her mother-in law watches DJ and if I am at work mommy watches Nathaniel or sometimes my sister does if mommy is sick. I am so glad I got my mom and sister with me. They are a lot of help. Only right now, my mom is very sick her illness finally taking a toll of her. Sis and I are the one taking turns taking care of mommy. We might need a 24 hrs. caretaker for her very soon but I refused to put her in the nursing home though. Lote (my sister) and I are trying to do what's best for mommy. We've decided to just petition one brother this year to temporarily take care of her while we both work and I am still finishing school. I don't know how we will be able to manage it again this year but I believe we can get through it, as long as we both work as a team.
Anyway, these two boys are very sweet in nature. They just got the AMORO genes of being a fighter. They just now starting to get along a little better but they still fight when something arise. I hope they can be best friends when they grow up. I know they have too, because they live next to each other. They don't really have much of a choice. My sister and DJ are going to live within my property. I just wish she don't get remarried (right now, going through divorce) and move to another place. I will be sad. I liked to have all of my family in my sight so we can look out for each other. It's what I am trying to do in the future. I already got the land I needed more than enough to occupy them. And I know, it is still a far way to go because it takes time and money to get the rest of them. There are three in my family that is going to be a nurse that includes me. It's what I am hanging on to fulfill this goal. I just hope and pray that nobody is going to go astray. So, we can work all together as a team.
I Edele been a while since i have been here. How you doing? The kids look very cute here. I also like your new blog photo there at the left top. You look very sexy. :-)