The entries below are for the gossipers. Hope they'll get something out of this. Being bored and have nothing to do in their lives. What do you think they're going to be expert of? It is understandable but I do pity them.

Everything begins with the resolve to take the first step. From that action, wisdom arises and change begins. Without action, nothing changes.
So many of life's conflicts find their origin and cause in envy. Envy ruins and destroys people's hearts.
Carelessness, overconfidence and arrogance are our greatest enemies.
Unless we view things with our heart, we can see nothing. If we look at the world with a love of life, the world will reveal its beauty to us.
It is not difficult circumstances that defeat one, but one's own weakness.
If you want to understand the causes made in the past, look at the results as they are manifest in the present. And if you want to know what results will be manifest in the future, look at the causes that exist in the present. The reality of your future self is forged by current action, in your behavior now.
Lies are truly frightening, because they not only deceive others but also destroy one's own humanity.
The place where you are now is vital. Never avoid what you must face. Challenge your circumstances and steadily persevere. The path toward victory opens from where you stand.
It is human nature to desire recognition and to want to look better than what we are. When that desire seizes control of us, it is easy to lose sight of who we are and what our real purpose is. Spiritual corruption begins from there. The best thing is to be true to one's heart.
"Dig beneath your feet, there you will find a spring." The place where you are now is crucial. Never try to avoid that which you must do.
When your determination changes, everything will begin to move in the direction you desire. The moment you resolve to be victorious, every nerve and fiber in your being will immediately orient itself toward your success. On the other hand, if you think, "This is never going to work out," then at that instant every cell in your being will be deflated and give up the fight. Then everything really will move in the direction of failure.
The ungrateful feel that it is below them to show any kind of appreciation. They are under the delusion that showing gratitude to others diminishes their own worth. But it is this sense of appreciation that elevates, enriches and expands the human spirit. A lack of gratitude is actually a sign of arrogance.
Those who are always complaining about their circumstances find that success continually eludes them. As do those who speak ill of others or who make excuses for their failures.
It is senseless to blame others or your environment for your miseries. Change begins from the moment you muster the courage to act. When you change, the environment will change. The power to change the world is found nowhere but within our own life.
Life is best lived by being bold and daring. People tend to grow fearful when they taste failure, face a daunting challenge or fall ill. Yet that is precisely the time to become even bolder. Those who are victors at heart are the greatest of all champions.
One of my favorite poets, the Argentine educator Almafuerte (1854-1917) wrote: "To the weak, difficulty is a closed door. To the strong, however, it is a door waiting to be opened." Difficulties impede the progress of those who are weak. For the strong, however, they are an opportunity to open wide the doors to a bright future. Everything is determined by our attitude, by our resolve. Our heart is what matters most.
We have both a weak self and a strong self; the two are completely different. If we allow our weak side to dominate, we will surely be defeated.
If you always have a shallow perspective and pay attention only to trivial things, you are sure to get bogged down in all kinds of petty worries and concerns, and not be able to move forward. Even relatively minor hurdles or problems will seem insurmountable. But if you look at life from a broad viewpoint, you naturally spot the way to solve any problem you may confront. This is true when we consider our own personal problems as well as those of society and even the future of the entire world.
Ultimately, our battle is with ourselves. Whether in our activities in society, or whether in historical, political or economic developments, everything essentially boils down to a struggle between positive and negative forces.
Real optimism should not be confused with a carefree outlook on life, one in which we forfeit responsibility for our lives. The person undefeated by misfortune, poverty, insult and vilification. The person who can bounce back from every adversity and say, "What? That was nothing!" The person who marches on toward hope through sheer force of will. That person is a true optimist.
Some people are overly critical of themselves and become listless and unassertive as a result. Rather than engaging in pointless self-flagellation, young people would do best just being what young people are: bold, audacious and gutsy-and throwing themselves entirely into whatever the task at hand.
Trust is difficult to earn and it is easily lost-the trust built over a decade can be shattered in an instant by one offhanded remark or deed. A person who is not swayed from their chosen path, even during the most trying times, will ultimately find that he or she is trusted by all.
As long as we are human, we are bound to make mistakes. We all fall prey to flawed beliefs and views. What distinguishes a forward-looking person from an intransigent one, a virtuous person from a dishonest one, however, is whether one can candidly admit to one's mistakes and take bold steps to redress them.
It's foolish to be obsessed with past failures. And it's just as foolish to be self-satisfied with one's small achievements. The present and the future are what are important, not the past. ... Those who neglect this spirit of continual striving will start to veer off in a ruinous direction.
Cheerfulness is not the same as frivolity. Cheerfulness is born of a fighting spirit. Frivolity is one manifestation of cowardly escape.
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