Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Today's Ramblings

It was my 1st day of school today since we got back from a week off of spring break. I decided to go home early and not spend time in the library till 9:00 p.m like I used to do after class. I just got excited after I got the result of my previous exam in psychology. I was worried that I won’t do good on it because I’m having a hard time studying all of my subjects at one time. I actually did have a good result better than before. I was relieved to know. So, I went ahead pamper myself by going home early to spend time with my son instead of reading all my freaking books.

In regards with my biology exam (my major class). I am confident and I expect to get a high grade on that because all that came out; I knew almost everything. I studied so hard until pages of my book are about to fall out. And even if I am in the bathroom I got my book with me. he he! That’s how serious I was. I am even dreaming that I am the highest one in our class. Now, was I too confident? he he! I don’t know! I just feel good about it. Even if, I won’t be the highest one, I am still sure that I got on the outstanding level. This class was the hardest so far among my subjects, only few students survived from it and I’m one of them that was able to kept going until the end of the semester. Everyone is complaining how tough it was and how they dislike our instructor. I am even convinced that I won’t like my instructor too because I felt being watched by her. She watches everything I do and noticed every mistakes I made and always gets on to me. I felt uncomfortable around her. I even suspected that she might be a racist and doesn’t like me because I am the only brown person in our class. Maybe that’s just my thinking. he he stress do that! But whatever the reason, either she likes or dislikes me. I could care less, as long as I made good grades on that subject. That’s all I care for. Really!

Now, when it comes down to my math subject..that’s the one I can’t brag about. I mean, I get high grades on my homework and quizzes that focuses few chapters at a time. But when it’s time for my exam and with different chapters mixed all together. I screw it up. I just can’t deny the fact that I am so dumb when it comes to it. I therefore, conclude that I should not mix it with my other subjects because it takes time for me to study and concentrate on this subject since, I am slow on it.

Anyway, I got 4 weeks left and within those weeks I sure am stress out again trying to prepare everything for my finals. Aside from that, I am getting ready to enroll myself for summer too. I’ll see if I could make it. I was thinking of taking a break but on the other hand I don’t want to waste time. *****Sigh***** I will make it through somehow.

(originally written: April 13th, 2009)

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